President's Message Archive

November, 2013

Linda HoodAs the winter season approaches, thoughts turn to sunny days in Scottsdale, Arizona, in anticipation of the 2014 Scientific and Technology Meeting of the American Auditory Society.  The online abstract submission site is open with a closing deadline of December 9, 2013, and registration for the meeting is now open as well.  I hope that you will consider presenting a poster or podium paper as you make plans to join us in Scottsdale in March.  Tina Stankovic, Program Chair for the meeting, is busy with her Program and Abstract Review Committee.  We look forward to another great meeting!

Speaking of the upcoming meeting, we have a wonderful line up of invited speakers.  There will be something for everyone – in the scientific and technology programs and with opportunities to connect with friends and colleagues.  We are very pleased that Eric Young, PhD, from Johns Hopkins University, will be the Carhart Memorial Lecturer; we look forward to another outstanding lecture in this fine series.  The Translational Research Lectures bring together cutting edge information presented by individuals who have been instrumental in moving an area of study forward.  This year’s topics focus on the effects of noise on hearing, gene therapy, and rehabilitation.  Rounding out the invited scientific program is a Special Session that reports on progress in the development of systems to deliver drugs directly to the ear.  The Young Investigator Research Presentation recognizes an individual early in their career.  This year, Jason Tait Sanchez, PhD, of Northwestern University, has been selected to deliver that lecture.  And, a highlight of the meeting honors one individual for a lifetime of very significant contributions.  This year, the AAS recognizes a very deserving individual, Donald Dirks, PhD, who will receive the Life Achievement Award.  We gratefully acknowledge the support from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) for important portions of the scientific program and thank Past President Yvonne Sininger for overseeing that grant.

I am pleased to announce a new program instituted by the AAS Board of Directors that will provide travel support to the 2014 meeting for selected new investigators.  This program will fill an important gap for new investigators who no longer quality for student support but have not yet acquired independent funding that includes travel support.  Look for information about this new program on the AAS website to learn about the requirements and selection process.  I would like to thank Board Member Kelly Tremblay for initiating discussion of ways in which the AAS can provide support to new investigators.  

You may have noticed some changes in the appearance of the AAS website.  A new logo for AAS was developed under the leadership of Pat Zurek, Lynne Marshall, Anil Lalwani and Darla Eastlack.  This new look marks a commitment to a communications program that will connect members to the AAS through the website and other methods.  Our new logo’s color palette also highlights our association with and pride in our scientific journal Ear and Hearing

The past six months have been a time of transition to new management for the AAS.  Under the guidance of Darla Eastlack, our Executive Director, we have had a smooth transition and now, with the operations of the society in place, are looking to a future that meets the needs of our members.  As part of achieving that goal, you may recall receiving information about a member survey.  Carmen Brewer and her Membership Committee have worked very diligently in developing the survey and analyzing the results.  Look for more information about the results soon – and, if you participated in completing the survey, thank you!

Finally, I want to congratulate the newly elected AAS Board members Rafael Delgado, Sumit Dhar, Jill Firszt, and Charles Limb.  We look forward to your participation in the activities of the AAS.  Thanks are extended to Larry Lustig and Darla Eastlack for their work on the nomination and election process.  And, thanks for everyone who voted.

See you in Scottsdale!

Linda J. Hood, Ph.D.
President, American Auditory Society 2013-14

June, 2013

Linda HoodWelcome to the American Auditory Society!  The American Auditory Society (AAS) is an organization of individuals interested in knowledge about the ear, hearing and balance, encompassing clinical practices and research perspectives.  The AAS provides an interdisciplinary forum that brings together professionals from audiology, hearing science, industry, and otolaryngology.  Primary activities include an Annual Scientific and Technology Meeting, held each March in Scottsdale, Arizona, and a premier peer-reviewed scientific journal, Ear and Hearing.

In March 2013, the AAS celebrated its 40th anniversary.  As we build on a proud history, the Society looks to future opportunities to advance hearing/balance science and clinical practice, provide a forum for students as they learn about auditory/vestibular research, and provide a nurturing and collaborative environment for students, young professionals, and our more “seasoned” members.

The Editor-in-Chief of Ear and Hearing, Dr. Brenda Ryals, continues to guide this prestigious scientific journal that enjoys a place at the forefront of hearing and vestibular science.  She and her Editorial Board work judiciously to assure that members have access to the best information to enhance their clinical practices and research endeavours.

We recently completed our 2013 meeting and, as Program Chair for that meeting, I am pleased that we added another success to a history that builds on many years of a world-class gathering of clinicians and scientists.  With the support of a Grant from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders of the NIH, the program included outstanding interdisciplinary Translational Research Lectures and an inspiring Young Investigator Lecture that kicked off the presentation of Graduate Student and Resident Mentored Research Posters.  More information about the 2013 meeting along with the full program and all abstracts for podium and poster presentations can be found on the AAS website.

Another highlight of the meeting is the Carhart Memorial Lecture, a long-standing tradition of the AAS.  Dr. Richard Smith, the 2013 Carhart Lecturer, presented an outstanding lecture on ‘Genetic Testing for Deafness’.  By all reports from attendees, Dr. Smith’s lecture clearly continued the high quality of this prestigious award that honors the Father of Audiology, Raymond Carhart, PhD.  Plans are underway for the 2014 meeting, in the able hands of Dr. Tina Stankovic, President-Elect of the AAS.  I encourage everyone reading this to put March 6-8, 2014 on your calendars and join us in Scottsdale.

There is much to be done throughout the year.  The Board of Directors of the AAS is busy developing programs and activities to benefit members.  The Communications Committee, led by Dr. Don Schum, has organized a series of AAS-sponsored lectures through Audiology Online.  Be sure to look for these and take advantage of the educational opportunities.  The Membership Committee, led by Dr. Carmen Brewer, is busy reviewing member information and making plans to serve our members.  Be on the lookout for a survey of members to assist us in developing new programs and activities.

Finally, I am very pleased to introduce you to Darla Eastlack, the new Executive Director of the AAS.  Ms. Eastlack brings years of experience in professional organization management to the American Auditory Society.  We are pleased that she has committed her interest and expertise to the AAS.

If you are currently a member of the AAS, we thank you for your loyalty and commitment to what we believe is a premier organization for all disciplines interested in knowledge and understanding of normal and disordered hearing and balance systems, evaluation, management, prevention, habilitation, and rehabilitation.  If you are not a member, we hope that you will visit various areas of our website to learn about the AAS and consider how joining the organization can enhance your professional life. 

Linda J. Hood, Ph.D.
President, American Auditory Society 2013-14

October, 2012

SiningerHello and welcome to the new American Auditory Society Website.  This has been a very exciting year for the AAS.  Some important things have changed but the state of the Society has never been better and the strong aspects of the Society are continuing.

First, the AAS Board of Directors and I have made the decision to change the Society to self-management.  We felt that the scope and size of the Society warranted in-house management which will be better suited to our needs.  As of October 1, 2012 our new Executive Director is Dr. Maureen Hannley.  Most of you will be familiar with Dr. Hannley who has been a University Professor, an officer of the NIDCD, and officer of the AAO/HNS.  A full biographical on our new ED can be found on the website.  Dr. Hannley has been working diligently behind the scenes for the last three months to bring about a smooth and seamless transition and I know you will join me in welcoming her.  We are thrilled to have someone of her experience and skills to lead the American Auditory Society.

Our annual meeting in 2013 will celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the AAS and we will have some special celebrations as well as our usual superior quality program.  We continue to have the support of the NIDCD conference grant which allows us to bring in the highest caliber of interdisciplinary scientists and clinicians as speakers and also allows us to sponsor student participation in the meeting.  Please go to the website for a full listing of the speakers and programs that will be offered this March in Scottsdale.  By popular demand, our Society social will again be held at the Musical Instrument Museum on Friday evening.  Please sign up early for this popular event and venue.

We are extremely proud of the official publication of the AAS, Ear and Hearing which is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) and of the journal’s Editor and Chief, Dr. Brenda Ryals.  Under her leadership, the journal continues to have a very high impact factor, 2.257 ranking E&H third of the 41 journals in the Otolaryngology category and the immediacy index (the number of times an article was cited in one year) was the highest in the journals in this category! The journal continues to grow with a 54% increase in the number of articles published over 2006.  As you know, all AAS members receive a free subscription to Ear & Hearing and we are thrilled to be able to provide this to you while keeping our membership dues at an very competitive rate. 

Last year’s Board of Director’s Meeting, led by Past-President Tim Trine, included a Strategic Planning Session.   During the sessions the board instituted a new Standing Committee Structure.  The chair of each committee will be a member of the BOD. Committees include the Nominations Committee (Larry Lustig, chair); the Communications Committee (Don Schum, chair, Tina Stankovic, and Kelly Tremblay members); the Finance Committee (Carol Bauer, Treasurer and chair, Beth Prieve and Lynne Marshall members); the Program Committee (Linda Hood or current Vice President chair); the Publications Committee (Harvey Abrams, chair, Brenda Ryals, Beth Prieve and Anil Lalwani members) and the Membership Committee (Carmen Brewer,chair, Pat Zurek and Larry Lustig member).  These committees have been working throughout the year to insure the smooth operations of the Society.   AAS members who are interested in working on committees should contact committee chairs to participate. 

Please navigate around our new website but understand that some aspects are still under construction.  We welcome your questions and feedback.  I am looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming meeting at the Chaparral Suites in Scottsdale next March.

Yvonne S. Sininger, PhD
President, American Auditory Society 2012-13